Why should a good violin teacher sing score when he asks you to play violin?

Why do you want to sing?

We all know that music is art of sound, and when we play an instrument, we always look at notes and play. Scores are symbols and graphics, and they are more of a vision than a sound. The only way to turn score you see into sound or even music is to sing score. It is only by singing score that one can truly turn symbols into sound, so score makes sense to those who have studied music, but is meaningless to those who have not. Playing a musical instrument is about extracting sung "inner music", turning it into sound of a specific musical instrument, and then discerning and correcting it through ears to form pleasing music. In this way, music notation is like installing software and opening software while playing. If you don’t hum score, but go straight from score to playing a musical instrument, then, in fact, there is no music in your heart, or music has not really penetrated into your heart. The reason why mature musicians don't sing is because music is already ingrained in their hearts and they have a quick reaction from score to heart and then to instruments, and in fact they still sing music in their hearts. . Therefore, singing notation is an indispensable part of learning music, whether it be singing, playing an instrument or dancing. The reason why many children do not sing music notation is that teacher did not ask to sing music notation, considering it unnecessary and a waste of time, or they are afraid of wasting time. In addition, school music education often pays attention only to hearing and ignores kinesthetic sense, has not formed a coherent system of singing notation, so that whether it is musical notation or numbered, they cannot understand it. This is death of music education.

How to sing?

Many students sing only sound, not rhythm and beat, not to mention other musical notation. This kind of singing separates notes from other symbols, and melody from other elements. I personally believe that a correct singing score has following norms:

(1) Tap rhythm while singing score

Many students only sing score without tapping, which leads to confusion about time and rhythm. The score of singing must be in sync with beat. The action should be up and down, that is, a downward blow is a forward blow, and an upward blow is a left hand blow. Each beat is labeled as descending and ascending, i.e. divided beats. This facilitates study of concept of a half-cycle and facilitates rhythms such as dots, syncopations, and decays. The reason many students always get confused about dotted rhythm and syncopated rhythm is because they only play dotted, not backhanded. Also, I am against practice of singing beats to beats at beginning. Although it is easy to recognize beats, it is easy to confuse with real beats of music, and this is not suitable for notes with largeth duration. Thus, recommended method is to see score with your own eyes, sing with your mouth, clap your hands, play with your hands, and listen to it with your ears. This is real development of intellect and coordinated development.

(2) Number of beats in score

Many students only sing notes, not beats, so it is difficult to determine length of a note. The recommended method is to sing number of beats for sounds greater than one beat, such as Up to 2 for 2 beats, Up to 23 for three beats, and how many beats there are so that it's easy to distinguish no matter how long it is. this, especially when you encounter tie-line rhythm, it is easy to determine number of beats. This also works for dot rhythms. For example: "Do 2Do" can be sung with a pre-set 1.1 rhythm, and this dotted rhythm is easy to understand by adding previous beat up and down style.

(3) Different grades should be added to grade

It is not enough just to sing notes and rhythm, in music there are various performance signs, expression signs, dynamic signs, etc. Let's consider these designations again. For example, a jumping tone should be sung shorter, an accent should be sung more strongly, and legato should be sung coherently. For the violin, students are especially required to include ventilation in singing because singing requires ventilation. In fact, ventilation is often a phrase or paragraph of music. Clearly understand musical sentences and paragraphs.