These 5 Tips Will Help You Solve Intonation Problems When Learning Any Instrument

These 5 Tips Will Help You Solve Intonation Problems When Learning Any Instrument

1 Poor ear control Reason for Mispronunciation: This mispronunciation cannot be heard by student himself. Honestly (the author was also first when he first started studying, but not now) Solution: Teach him to listen to how he pla...

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In fact, caring for a violin is very simple - the violin is comfortable when it is convenient for a person.

In fact, caring for a violin is very simple - the violin is comfortable when it is convenient for a person.

Violin maintenance can prolong life of violin. As a rule, violin does not break, but most of damage to violin is caused by improper maintenance. The violin is a relatively delicate musical instrument and should not be placed near ...

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In fact, caring for a violin is very simple - the violin is comfortable when it is convenient for a person.

In fact, caring for a violin is very simple - the violin is comfortable when it is convenient for a person.

Violin maintenance can prolong life of violin. As a rule, violin does not break, but most of damage to violin is caused by improper maintenance. The violin is a relatively delicate musical instrument and should not be placed near ...

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What is difference between a child who is learning to play an instrument and a child who has never taught one?

What is difference between a child who is learning to play an instrument and a child who has never taught one?

...... Tell me a story There is a pair of fraternal twin sisters in Japan. The older sister, Miko, stuttered when she had a high fever, and her siblings' coordination also began to deteriorate. She often made people feel stupid. ...

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What is best violin to buy for a beginner?

What is best violin to buy for a beginner?

Actually, this is a very good question to answer. Handmade violins have relative advantages. There must be a reason for high price of violins, because when making high-quality violins, production process will be more perfect, and ...

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Super detailed diagram of structure of a violin

Super detailed diagram of structure of a violin

Even though violin is surprisingly light, violin is subjected to a lot of pressure and tension when strings are taut. Panel pressure is about 11 kg. After tuning E strings, tension can reach 9 kg, and G strings - 6 kg. If you add ...

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Study of violin performance based on principle of balance

Study of violin performance based on principle of balance

The violin is a musical instrument with great artistic charm, but technique of playing it is extremely complex. In process of playing violin, in addition to artistic skills, many scientific questions also arise. A certain degree o...

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There are so many lines, would you choose? List of characteristics of famous violin strings.

There are so many lines, would you choose? List of characteristics of famous violin strings.

The most frequently replaced parts of a violin should be strings, but how do you usually choose strings? Helpful! If you want to have a violin with a beautiful sound, in addition to choosing violin itself is very important, violin...

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A good start to learning to play violin is most important thing

A good start to learning to play violin is most important thing

The quality of playing violin depends on first teacher. When most teachers of music classes or music departments take freshmen, most common problem they face is "students have a bad base". It usually takes three months to a year t...

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You know what goes on in a musician's head when an orchestra plays.

You know what goes on in a musician's head when an orchestra plays.

Friends who have heard live performance of orchestra will be shocked by powerful line-up of performers. But have you ever wondered what these performers think about when they play? First, you need to know that these people have m...

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