It turns out that "musical talent" can be for everyone.


Parents are paying more and more attention to art education

Through communication platforms such as television networks

You will find that constantly exposed children get younger and younger

Zhang Ailing said: "Become famous as soon as possible".

One of most frequently asked questions by many parents:

Is my child musically gifted?

But what is musical talent?

Does he really exist?

How to judge?

If you have no talent, should you resolutely give up?

What is musical talent?

A talent for drawing is easier to spot than a talent for music. I don't know if you have come across them. Some people never learned how to draw, but still look good when they pick up a brush. learned to draw systematically. What humanoids exhibit is talent.

The meaning of term "musical talent" is actually very vague. Many confuse it with other concepts, such as musical potential. It can even be misinterpreted as a special ability, such as perfect pitch sense. "Musical talent" usually refers to a person's innate musical talent, which is sound sensitivity.

What is innate?

For example, children can recognize timbre of their parents, grandparents, and grandparents. You can also hear clear voice of a bird and thick voice of a tiger. Everyone can name length of car horn, height of ambulance horn, and adjust volume using headphones. If most elementary sound perception is missing, then this is not only a problem of musical talent, but also a physical illness that needs to be treated in a hospital.

When parents ask "Does my child have musical ability?" they are really asking if their child can play piano well and has potential to be good at music.

This is actually same question as "Is my child smart?" Smart kids don't necessarily learn well, and kids who study well don't necessarily have smart brains. It's same with music education: in addition to differences in talent, there are many or even more important influencing factors. This is a complete learning system and no single factor affects one vote.

How to evaluate musical talent?

Every child is gifted in music, but everyone is born with a different sensitivity to perception of sound, which is so-called talent difference. As a parent, most important thing is to create a healthy education concept. Knowing what children's talents are, it is necessary to better protect, develop and develop their potential.

Watch your child's sensitivity and interest before teaching piano

If a child has a high musical potential, he is very sensitive to music at an early age. When you play music, he will sing and dance. He learns songs very quickly and has a good sense of pitch. The sense of rhythm is relatively strong, at this time one can judge child's good musical potential. If a child does not have these performances in childhood, then likelihood that he will become a musician in future is very small. There was once a study on age of talent of great musicians, showing that half of great musicians showed great talent before age of 5.

Age of boys and girls showing talent

22%31% up to 3 years

3-5 years 27% 21%

6-8 years 19%19%

9-11 years old 16%19%

10%6% for children aged 12-14

14-18 years old 5%3.5%

Over 18 years old 1%0.5%

Watch musical abilities of parents themselves

Research shows that music is most influenced by genetic ability after dramatic ability, which is why we often see that musicians often come from musical families.

I want to make it clear that a parent's musical talent should not be equated with being able to play a musical instrument or receiving a professional musical education. For example, some people can't read music, don't play musical instruments, don't have any professional education, but they are especially sensitive to music and have a strong musical memory. I can sing a song after listening to it twice and it's very expressive. This shows that they are very musical.

Both parents are musically gifted children with super musical abilities children with average musical abilities children with low musical abilities

Super+Super 72%28%0%

Super+medium 60%34%6%

Super+Low 26%37%37%

Medium + Medium 39% 49% 12%

Medium + low 7% 40% 53%

Low level + low level 0% 10% 90%

Look at child's hard work

So-called potential means that relatively little effort is made to achieve same level of achievement, or a higher level of achievement is achieved with same effort. Therefore, it depends not only on speed of progress, but also on how much effort child put in to reach this level. Some children study 4 to 5 hours a day before they can reach grading level.test, while some children may also take an amateur performance test after one or two hours of practice per day. (And another situation) The high pressure of parents and high workload of children can indeed, to a certain extent, quickly push children to a higher level, making children look especially outstanding in childhood.

American musicologist and educator Gordon called stage of musical whispering "preparatory audition" (Preparatory Audition) and divided it into three types and seven stages.

© Institute of Musical Education named after V.I. Gordon

Harvard University professor Howard Gardner (Howard Gardner) insisted that indicators of so-called intelligence varied. It's same with musical talent. No child gets an all-round good score on Gordon test, and no child gets an all-around bad mark. Compared to seeing if a child has musical talent, it's more important for parents to give multiple directions at right time.

How to develop and improve?

A person is learnable potential never more than at time of birth. The early years of life are critical to laying foundation for lifelong musical development. A child's musical experience from birth to age 5 has a particularly strong influence on extent to which he understands, appreciates and achieves music as an adult. During these years, children should be exposed to a variety of music in order to prepare for formal music education when they grow up.


Compared to what kind of music to listen to, it is more important when and how to listen to children. If a child who plays from heart is allowed to listen to music, he will definitely not fall in love with music. And in general it is not necessary to listen too much, but it will have many negative consequences. Just like too much perfume, it will reduce your sense of smell.

In addition, when listening to music, you do not need to purposefully teach child name of song and composer, it is better to tell him when child asks. Parents can even guide children to imagine and give nicknames to works. Every time I hear this song in future, I will think of a song named after my mother. It will also inspire your child's musical imagination.

{"url":"","songNa":"Peter and Wolf 6","songerNa":"Tan Dun;Zhao Wei;Chamber Orchestra of Europe;Claudio Abbado - Symphonic Tale "Peter and Wolf""}


It is best to sing lullabies to baby as often as possible, this is earliest musical stimulation that mothers give to children, as well as most concentrated musical impact. It doesn't matter if pentameter is healthy or not. What child listens to is voice of mother, feeling and mood of lyrics.

Also, encourage children to sing more, that's most natural beauty of music. In documentary From Mao Zedong to Mozart, violinist Stern teaches a girl to play violin, but girl cannot play violin way master wants. Stern encouraged her to sing line. After listening to her, master said: "Listen, how beautifully you sing. Now try again, playing how you sing." So, sing out loud, more better.


As a child, an apple was just a fruit, and there was not much entertainment. However, I have played handkerchief throwing and bungee jumping with many friends, as well as playing sandbag passing and Malan Blossom 21 games with my parents. When I remember my childhood, I played and unconsciously felt rhythm and rhythm.

Today, there are already a large number of preschool educational institutions, all kinds of courses go off scale, in fact, all of them are connected with our very real life. For children, a more useful enlightenment is to return to nature, to release their nature and engage in intimate activities with their children.parents and partners.

Schopenhauer said: Every child is a genius in some way, and every genius is a child in some way.

The reason why a genius becomes a genius is that he retains in a certain way throughout his life characteristic and dominant sensory system and cognitive activity in childhood.