If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Studies have shown that children who have received a musical education have better memory development.

Therefore, more and more parents send their children to music lessons. Among them, learning to play violin is a matter of honing children's patience and perseverance.

In addition, playing violin can cause child's left and right hands to move together, and hands, eyes and brain can fit perfectly, and thinking of left and right hemispheres can develop at same time; during process of playing violin, child's eyes must constantly scan the notes, which is very important for them. Concentration is also a good exercise.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Therefore, parents tend to give their children this graceful music education.

What should children pay attention to when learning to play violin? Today I have analyzed following points for you.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Note 1. Hands and ears are in good condition

If you want your child to learn to play violin, first of all you should like him, not his parents.

There are some signs that you can tell if your child likes to listen to music, sing, or listen to strings. If yes, then child has a basis for learning.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Then we need to look at child's own conditions: violin rests on four fingers of left hand to strike notes. If child's little finger is short, it will be more difficult for him to learn; fingers that are too fat will also affect long-term development; Harmony depends on "ears" of child.

In addition, a sense of music, a sense of rhythm, flexibility of hands and a good memory are important basic conditions.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Note 2. The right time to learn to play piano

5-6 years is best time to teach children to play violin.

Because at this time, child's bones are better developed, and he also has basic speech and understanding skills, and he can better communicate with teacher. This is easier to learn than 3-4 year olds. a lot of.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

However, parents can instill an interest in music in their children before age of 5 by enjoying music, singing, dancing and learning some simple knowledge of music theory, which will greatly help children learning violin in the future.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Note 3. What is difficulty of learning to play violin

The left and right hands move asymmetrically to play violin. The left and right hands have their own movements: press strings with your left hand, hold violin horizontally and move bow with your right hand. feel more difficult to practice movements.

If intonation is unsatisfactory, reference tone of keyboard music such as piano can be seen at a glance, while intonation of violin depends entirely on sensitive ears and fingers of performer.

At initial stage, it often looks like a "swing", and it is not easy to arouse interest in a child. Therefore, parents can let their children play keyboards so that their ears remain sensitive to music.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Note 4: group or individual lesson

Should teacher teach child alone or let him and several children study in a group? Some parents are undecided.

In fact, each has its own advantages and disadvantages: one-on-one method is very targeted and can correct child's shortcomings in time and make most of time; but since child is studying alone, child may appear bored.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

The atmosphere of small group classes is better. Children learn by playing together, which easily generates interest and encourages each other, but since children have different acceptance abilities, some teachers adopt progress that everyone can accept. Children who eat quickly may feel "not full."

In terms of tuition fees, some courses are relatively higher. In this way, parents can choose appropriate teaching method according to situation and financial capabilities of their children.

Whether parents can persistently help their child learn to play violin depends more on scientific methods and perseverance of parents.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

Note five: time guarantee

Tell children that playing piano is like eating and sleeping, and it's something to do every day.

Each lesson lasts at least 40 minutes with a few minutes of rest in between so that child can drink water and go to toilet, and focus on playing the piano without interruption.

If you want your child to learn to play violin well, parents should know these points

This is also a good opportunity to exercise children's self-control ability, which can effectively prolong their concentration.